Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 15 - Open House

Well, week 15 is tomorrow and so here is the run down. The presentation is for your child to bring in a picture they draw and tell the class about it/describe it. For Latin, we are trying to learn the Latin of John 1:1-7 and so, listening to a song to the tune of the American Anthem. You can find and download this song through CC Connected to help your child, if you wish. For English, we are still reviewing the Irregular Verbs. There is a cupcake game you can play with your child to help them with this. If you would like the game, please email me and I will send it to you. For Geography, we are learning the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls will be included, but you want to make sure that your child understands that it is not part of the Great Lakes.

Tomorrow is Open House at our campus. Some classes will have extra students and parents. If your class is full of parents, and you wouldn't mind, please check out another classroom that isn't as full. You can sit in on the class your child will be in next year if you like. Sitting in on another class may also give you some good ideas that I do not use to help your child to memorize facts.

If you have any questions, please email me @

Simone Gremillion

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 14

This year is going by so fast! I am excited to be back and hope all the children are as well.

For week 14, our presentation this week is to tell a story about a missionary or a Bible character. They can use a Bible picture book while telling the story in their own words or can act it out using props.

This six weeks we are going over some Famous Artists. There is a website that has some printables from famous artists, it does not have all the ones we are talking about, but if you want to talk some more with your child about art, this is a great website .

If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me,
Simone Gremillion